Strategic technology management

Using suitable technology is key to compete successfully at a global level. Considering ever-shorter product life cycles and increasingly fierce competition, only those businesses remain viable which develop, apply and – in time – replace technologies focusing on client needs.

Opportunities and risks of technology management

Systematic technology management will enable your business to identify technological opportunities and risks in time and to develop adapted strategies in response. To this end, individual aspects of technology management such as technology strategy, intelligence, assessment and development have to be anchored by means of suitable methods and grounded within the business through appropriate structures.

Aims, tasks and processes of technology management

Technology management implies not merely developing and applying new technologies, but rather systematically planning and monitoring their usage and usefulness. This aims at strategically securing and strengthening the business’s market position to be viable in the face of global competition. Making technologies required for future services available at the right time and cost is essential to this end.

This way, technology management serves as the most important interface between company management and technology: Matters of the strategic focus of the business are linked to questions pertaining to technologies used or developed within the business.

Individual consulting at the heart

Together with you we develop solutions tailored to your needs on all matters of technology management– from conceptualization to detailed contents of strategy, processes and methods. We are also glad to support you in implementing it!

Technology management design


Together with you, we devise technology management that fits your company perfectly.

Technology strategy development


The Fraunhofer IPT analyses your product and production technologies, business targets and environment and formulates strategic goals.



We analyze technological alternatives ready for the future, determine the best point in time to switch to new technologies and plan with you how to replace existing technologies.

Core competence analysis


The Fraunhofer IPT supports you in identifying and analyzing your competences and current core competences as well as expertise to develop in the future.

Technology platforms


We support you in designing technology platforms to pool expertise from all areas of your business.



We show you how to use existing technology and expertise to tap into new markets or to expand your product portfolio, and evaluate the attractiveness of these options.

Technology intelligence


We help you identify new technologies and assessing their potential use in your business. In addition, we design individual processes on technology intelligence.

Technology and market surveys


We identify future technologies, products, markets, clients and competitors. This way we establish a holistic knowledge base to develop features of technological uniqueness that sets you apart from your competition.

Due diligence


We evaluate the technological potential of target businesses and examine their technological performance as well as their product and market segments.

Invention Center


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