Invention Center (INC)

The INC Invention Center on RWTH Aachen Campus is a space for visionaries and agenda setters to reinvent their businesses. The INC allows industry and research stakeholders to discuss current topics pertaining to technology and innovation management and to give free rein to their own innovative spirit.

Each year, INC members define their most important questions, which then determine the subject areas of research and development as well as consortial projects. Answers are developed in cross-sector working groups and workshops up to large-scale studies. In this, we use modern technology and innovation management methods and develop these further to achieve even better results.

In Addition, the Invention Center provides you with a creative space allowing you to work intensively on your innovations away from daily routine: the INCworX. This is where ideas, prototypes and business models are created and assessed fast by knowledgeable stakeholders. But providing this space for creative work is not the only way in which we support targeted development of innovation: We also provide easy access to the Aachen research environment and modern machinery as well as readily available technological expertise.

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Our services

  • Community meetings and working groups
  • Qualification and CPD programs
  • Research and development
  • Additional services