
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Baum

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Christoph Baum studied mechanical engineering in Aachen, Málaga (Spain) and Beijing (China), specializing in design and development. In addition to his diploma in engineering from RWTH Aachen University, he graduated with a Master of Science degree from Tsinghua University (China). In January 2017 he received his doctorate in engineering from RWTH Aachen University with his dissertation "Process and machine development for multi-step micro hot stamping", for which he was awarded the Borchers Medal of RWTH Aachen University.

Christoph Baum has been working at the Fraunhofer IPT since September 2006 and was responsible for the "Center for Precision and Microtechnology (ZPM)" between 2008 and 2010. In 2010, Christoph Baum became head of the "High-precision and specialist machines" group and, from 2013, head of the "Ultra-precision machines " group. From January 2015 to June 2016 he was head of the "Ultra Precision technology and plastics replication" department and from July 2016 to the end of May 2018 head of the "Precision Machines" department at the Fraunhofer IPT.

As coordinator of several international research projects, Christoph Baum developed various technologies for the microstructuring of large surfaces and expanded the competence of the Fraunhofer IPT into the field of continuous roll-to-roll production.

Christoph Baum is co-founder of the Fraunhofer spin-off Polyscale GmbH & Co. KG and since July 2016 Managing Director of the "Forschungsgemeinschaft Ultrapräzisionstechnik e.V.".

Recent Publications

Find more publications by Christoph Baum in the Fraunhofer-Publica.

Publication Type
2023 Digital Twins in Battery Cell Production
Krauß, Jonathan; Kreppein, Alexander; Pouls, Kevin Bernard; Ackermann, Thomas; Fitzner, Antje; Kies, Alexander; Abramowski, Johann-Philip; Hülsmann, Tom; Roth, David; Schmetz, Arno; Baum, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 The digital twin in battery cell production
Krauß, Jonathan; Schmetz, Arno; Fitzner, Antje; Ackermann, Thomas; Pouls, Kevin Bernard; Hülsmann, Tom-Hendrik; Roth, David; Gehring, Janine; Hamacher, Nils Christian; Jaspers, Wilhelm; Mohring, Leon; Rube, Natalja; Tübke, Jens; Kies, Alexander D.; Kreppein, Alexander; Abramowski, Johann-Philip; Schmitt, Robert H.; Baum, Christoph; Brandstetter, Alexander; Singh, Soumya; Cziasto, Dennis; Meyer, Olga; Kornely, Mia J. K.; Kraus, Sander; Niemietz, Philipp; Bergs, Thomas; Kampker, Achim
2023 Der Digitale Zwilling in der Batteriezellfertigung
Krauß, Jonathan; Schmetz, Arno; Fitzner, Antje; Ackermann, Thomas; Pouls, Kevin Bernard; Hülsmann, Tom-Hendrik; Roth, David; Gehring, Janine; Hamacher, Nils Christian; Jaspers, Wilhelm; Mohring, Leon; Rube, Natalja; Tübke, Jens; Kies, Alexander D.; Kreppein, Alexander; Abramowski, Johann-Philip; Schmitt, Robert H.; Baum, Christoph; Brandstetter, Alexander; Singh, Soumya; Cziasto, Dennis; Meyer, Olga; Kornely, Mia J.K.; Kraus, Sander; Niemietz, Philipp; Bergs, Thomas; Kampker, Achim
2023 In Vitro Simulated Neuronal Environmental Conditions Qualify Umbilical Cord Derived Highly Potent Stem Cells for Neuronal Differentiation
Maassen, Jessika; Guenther, Rebecca; Hondrich, Timm J.J.; Cepkenovic, Bogdana; Brinkmann, Dominik; Maybeck, Vanessa; Offenhäusser, Andreas A.; Dittrich, Barbara; Müller, Anna; Skazik-Voogt, Claudia; Kosel, Maximilian; Baum, Christoph; Gutermuth, Angela
Journal Article
2023 Cause-Effect Relationships in Battery Cell Production - Data based validation of expert knowledge in electrode production
Fitzner, Antje; Abramowski, Johann-Philip; Schmetz, Arno; Krauß, Jonathan; Borzutzki, Kristina; Eckstein, Markus Christian; Pouls, Kevin Bernard; Baum, Christoph; Schmitt, Robert H.; Kampker, Achim
Journal Article
2022 Mobilität und Produktion nachhaltiger gestalten
Baum, Christoph; Hamm, Carolin
Journal Article
2022 Produktion der PEM-Systeme, Hochskalierung, Rollout-Konzept
Beyer, Ulrike; Porstmann, Sebastian; Baum, Christoph; Müller, Clemens
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Batterie- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie im Antriebsmix der Zukunft
Baum, Christoph
2022 Production of PEM systems, upscaling and rollout strategy
Beyer, Ulrike; Porstmann, Sebastian; Baum, Christoph; Müller, Clemens
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Der digitale Zwilling in der Batteriezellfertigung
Kies, Alexander; Krauß, Jonathan; Schmetz, Arno; Baum, Christoph; Schmitt, Robert H.; Brecher, Christian
Journal Article
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