Optimizing machine kinematics and detecting sources of error

Designing and building machine tools with perfect kinematics is one of the greatest challenges in mechanical engineering. While errors and form deviations on the workpiece can have many causes and characteristics, almost all errors on the machine tool that are not due to wear can be traced back to geometric or thermal origins.

Compensate for geometric and thermal errors of machine tools


One of Fraunhofer IPT's goals is therefore to research these two fundamental causes of defects and, together with international partners from industry and research, to develop new methods and technologies for detecting and compensating geometric and thermal defects.

We not only rely on many years of experience with the geometric calibration of machines, with the development of new process models for thermal compensation or in the integration of real-time capable compensation algorithms in existing machine controls. To the same extent, we incorporate the latest developments in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning into our work. We combine this knowledge with powerful sensor technology, which we develop in-house, and an extensive infrastructure of IT systems.

Stability and accuracy for precision machines

Complex systems can produce serious errors due to even minimal deviations in the details. We characterize your machines, find causes for the smallest deviations and recalibrate the systems so that they run stable and verifiably error-free. Through ongoing process monitoring with digital technologies – also in retrofits – we ensure that you can use your equipment for as long as possible, while conserving resources.


Machine characterization

In order to reduce downtime and scrap, we measure your machine with high precision and use artificial intelligence to detect complex faults in the production process.

3D process monitoring

With extensive sensor technology and networked analysis tools, we detect sources of error in three dimensions of your machine too.

Calibrating 5-axis machines

To detect geometric deviations, we have developed a new procedure that allows you to calibrate your 5-axis machines at the push of a button.


Thermal stability

In milling, turning, grinding and special machines, we integrate sensor technology that immediately detects deformations of the machine structure and helps to compensate for possible errors directly in the control system.


vBox – Industry 4.0 as a retrofit

The vBox is an in-house development of the Fraunhofer IPT that upgrades existing machine tools for Industry 4.0 as a retrofit solution.

Digitization: enabler for green production

With our digitization technologies, we help ensure that new and existing machines and plants produce more resource-efficiently and can often be used for significantly longer.