CAD and CAM – lower costs, more transparency, faster and more sustainable processes

The use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) in the production chain characterizes product development and production today:

By using advanced CAD/CAM software for modeling and process planning, we can design, model and analyze products and processes faster. Simulations and analyses of products and processes in the software environment reveal problems in production before high costs are incurred through try-and-error. In this way, errors can be systematically reduced as early as the prototype construction stage and reworking can be prevented through adapted processing strategies.

This makes it possible to master even the most demanding design tasks: They facilitate communication between different teams and departments and promote cross-location collaboration between companies. Changes in design and production processes can be documented transparently via digital change management.

dPart: Framework for the digital twin

The digital twin is an important tool for analysing processes and accelerating process development and optimization in individual and series production. It not only includes data from CAD, but is also supplemented by models, operating and process data.

We have developed the "dPart" framework for the efficient and user-friendly presentation and processing of this data, which is continuously being expanded and optimized.

Simulations and models for analyzing and evaluating production

In addition, we have developed simulation and technology models that enable us to comprehensively evaluate time, costs, quality and sustainability in product development and production. Among other things, we use these models to analyze the behavior of CNC controls, simulate the interaction between tool and workpiece as well as various process states such as cutting force, tool wear and component distortion.

Our services at a glance

  • Simulation-based analysis and optimization: static and dynamic analyses of CAD models and NC programs, including component stiffness, forces, wear and vibrations
  • Support in the manufacturing-oriented design of products
  • Selection of machining strategies and cutting parameters for efficient and high-quality production
  • Determination of suitable tools for complex production processes and components

Use of CAD/CAM in current production scenarios

Manufacturing is also subject to trends and current developments that require new processes and methodical approaches. We are working with great dedication on a variety of technological solutions in order to further expand the strength of CAD/CAM systems, improve the efficiency of production and make products more cost-effective and sustainable.

Faster to the optimum design

By using new algorithms and AI technologies, we automatically generate and evaluate a variety of design options with our CAD/CAM software. This allows you to achieve your product faster, more cost-effectively and more sustainably.

Keeping an eye on sustainability and the environment

In component and process planning, we methodically consider and evaluate the effects of designs and production processes on the environment.

Cloud technologies for CAD/CAM

In our research projects, we rely on cloud technologies such as our Fraunhofer Edge Cloud. Such systems enable the shared use of resources and simplify access to CAD/CAM tools and data from different locations.

Human-centered design

The growing complexity of work tasks makes it necessary to put the user-friendliness of CAD/CAM systems to the test: We contribute to the development of a new generation of user-friendly and intelligent CAM systems.