Suitability of stainless steel and plastic belts for digital printing
In this study the dynamic characteristics of steel and plastic conveyor belts regarding belt vibrations were carried out. The analysis showed major differences between the different materials as the measured vibrations of the plastic belt were four to six times higher compared to the steel belt. Furthermore, a reduction of vibrations with an increasing belt speed was determined for both belt types. We further investigated whether a local reduction of belt vibrations is possible by using air bearings. The tests showed a reduction for both belt types. The use of air bearings in combination with a steel belt could be carried out successfully. In contrast, running noises were detected with the plastic belt used. This is attributed to a non-stable air film due to a rough running surface. The suitability of alternative plastic belts with a smooth running surface must be examined. In the last part of the study a reduction of belt vibrations has been determined by increasing the of belt tension using a steel belt.

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