Monetizing Data in Networked, Adaptive Production – Succeeding in Data-Driven Ecosystems

The increasing amount of data available and the growing interdependencies within enterprise networks play an important role in the future of manufacturing companies. Both B2B and B2C markets are changing significantly, driven by new technologies and the increasing amount of data created within them. However, companies face a variety of challenges when attempting to create value based on that data. This whitepaper aims to provide crucial insights into value creation within data-driven ecosystems and the potential benefits companies may gain based on the data within these ecosystems. Following a detailed exploration of data-driven ecosystems and players therein, the paper offers a five-step approach for manufacturing companies to achieve strategic success positions. Based on a study conducted by Fraunhofer IPT, the derived concept was validated and supplemented by recommendations for action. Finally, the work discusses four guiding principles for implementation within manufacturing companies to address the major challenges they face.
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