Online seminar  /  October 12, 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 p.m. CET

The physical reality of the digital twin – from concept to implementation

The concept of the digital twin has become a buzzword in the recent years and is being used as a synonym for a range of topics from sensor technologies, to connectivity, and up to AI. This online seminar will shine a light on this nebulous term and provide an overview on the applications of digital twins, the necessary technological foundations, how they differ from regular machine control and monitoring schemes, and the economic benefits of developing a digital twin of your manufacturing process. Fraunhofer IPT has been involved in the digitalization of manufacturing from the very beginning, developing sensor systems, industrial and wireless networking systems, edge and cloud infrastructure, and advanced data processing algorithms. We will share a holistic view on the requirements, development and the deployment of digital twins and provide best practice example and unique challenges in the industrial context. Afterwards, the participants have the opportunity to ask questions individually. The presentation slides will be sent by e-mail. The online seminar is conducted in Microsoft Teams.


Key Facts

  • Date: Thursday 12. October 2023,  14:00 – 15:00 p.m. CET
  • Fee: free of charge
  • Number of participants: at least 5
  • Implementation: Microsoft Teams
  • Language: English