
Kai Janning M.Sc.

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Kai Janning, born in 1995, studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University. He completed his master's degree specialising in medical technology in 2020. During his studies, he increasingly focussed on biomedical applications. After working and studying in Germany, Australia and the USA, he gained valuable experience in the development and production of medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

Since 2021, he has been working as a research associate at the Fraunhofer IPT in the "Automation in the Life Sciences" group and is doing his doctorate in the field of laboratory automation. He led the "Life Sciences Engineering" business unit and has been responsible for strengthening business relationships in this field of innovation as Head of Business Development since March 2024.  

Recent Publications

Find more publications by Kai Janning in the Fraunhofer-Publica.

Publication Type
2022 Effiziente Analytik in Labor und Produktion
Janning, Kai; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2022 Reine Magnetschwebetechnik
Janning, Kai; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2021 High-Speed-Mikroskopie - Mikroskopieren in Bewegung
Janning, Kai; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2021 High-Speed-Mikroskopie
Janning, Kai; Nießing, Bastian; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2021 Wie in Reinraum-Produktion Brustimplantate entstehen
Molinari, Kyra; Janning, Kai
Internet Contribution
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