Recognizing risks, exploiting opportunities: Gaining information for orientation and interpretation

Identifying opportunities and risks at an early stage, assessing them correctly and making appropriate decisions at the right time – in today's world, companies can only succeed if they have an up-to-date and transparent information base at their disposal on an ongoing basis and understand what implications arise from this information.

Examples from the past show the consequences of wasted technological opportunities: mobile phone providers who missed the trend towards smartphones, camera manufacturers who underestimated digitalization, and mail order companies who integrated online retailing into their business model too late all have disappeared from the market.

Systematic early recognition and targeted development and expansion of competencies are indispensable for a lasting know-how advantage. Only if companies succeed in identifying and accurately analyzing the existing competencies within the company can they deploy their resources in a targeted manner.

Based on many years of industrial cooperation and the latest findings from application-oriented research, Fraunhofer IPT analyzes your core competencies together with you and supports you in identifying the relevant technological developments and trends for your company.

Methodical to a solid information base

Figures, data and facts – everything is already available in your company. Together with you, we use scientifically based tools and methods to analyze where your company currently stands, which weak points you should be aware of, and which opportunities can arise for the future.


Where does your company stand in comparison to others? We explore the best practices for your business questions and decisions bilaterally with you or in a consortium, either within the industry, across industries or with regard to specific technologies.


Core competence analysis

Do you know what your company can really do? For a long-term technology strategy, we work with you to find out where your greatest competencies lie and how you can best use them.

Technology risk and potential analysis

How do you make a technology assessment? We present a methodology for informed decision making.

Early technology detection

Early technology detection helps you to identify trends that are relevant for the company in a targeted manner. We show you how to implement appropriate methods in your company.

Readiness checks

Are you ready? Early adopters are the first to pick up new technologies. To let you know if your company is ready to go, we use methodical tests and audits to check where you stand and what still needs to be done before you can get started.


Wir unterstützen Sie bei der strategischen Entscheidung zwischen Eigenproduktion (»make«) und Fremdbezug (»buy«).



Wir finden für Ihr Unternehmen passende Start-ups, um durch Kooperationen Ihre Kompetenzen zu erweitern und Innovationen voranzutreiben.