Technology management design

Highly effective technology management ensures that you will be able to identify new technologies in time, develop them further in a targeted manner and transform them into profitable products that meet your clients’ needs.

Developing structured technology management

To be able to make full use of this potential a business will need to implement structured technology management. Owing to its strategic importance technology management influences a wide range of departments in any business as well as a great number of stakeholders. This complexity means that tackling technology management systematically is all the more important. Only this way you can be sure to reach the goals you aim for with your technology management.

A combination of structural and content features

The Fraunhofer IPT designs technology management with you across six interlinked basic activities in a way that it will fit your business perfectly:

To identify potential opportunities and risks early on, technology intelligence is set up to provide a transparent foundation for information. This is followed by technology planning, that is designing the pathway to achieve the targets and results in a specific technology plan, which in turn puts forward specific implementable provisions for the development and application of technology. Following technology utilization there is technology protection to prevent imitation of technology and products. Technology assessment includes determining and evaluating the level to which the set targets have been met to improve the quality of decisions made and, consequently, the likelihood of success.

Basic activities of technology management

Parallel to determining the content of technology management activities, suitable structures need to be created within the business. Our framework includes six fields of action:

Our services

  • Recording of the status quo of your technology management
  • Identifying of potential for optimization and implementation within specific roadmap
  • Support in devising methods and contents as well as in further developing your technology management
  • Support in (re-)conceptualization and implementation of technology management individually tailored to your needs