
Marlin Kersting M.Sc.

Marlin Kerstin
© Fraunhofer IPT

Marlin Kersting, born in 1991, studied chemical engineering and process engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) and graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2017. In the subsequent master's program, Marlin Kersting completed a semester abroad at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) before finishing his master's degree with a thesis on "Integration of the modules of a diagnostic system for the use of magnetic particle-based assays" in 2019. During his studies, he worked as a student assistant at KIT's Institute for Functional Interfaces in the field of bioprocess technology and biosystems and at DTU's National Food Institute.

Since 2020, Mr. Kersting has been working as a research associate in the "Roll-to-Roll Technology" group at the Fraunhofer IPT. Since March 2022, he has been head of the H2 Systems business unit and in this role is involved in the development of research and industrial projects related to fuel cells, electrolyzers and hydrogen pressure tanks.

Recent Publications

Find more publications by Marlin Kersting in the Fraunhofer-Publica.

Publication Type
2023 Scalable Production of Energy Storage Systems
Brecher, Christian; Janssen, Henning; Zontar, Daniel; Kersting, Marlin; Rieck, Sarah; Bär, Kai; Bastuck, Thomas; Witt, Stefan
Conference Paper
2023 Skalierbare Produktion von Energiespeichern
Brecher, Christian; Janssen, Henning; Zontar, Daniel; Kersting, Marlin; Rieck, Sarah; Bär, Kai; Bastuck, Thomas; Witt, Stephan
Conference Paper
2022 Wertschöpfungskette Brennstoffzelle
Führen, Daniel; Graw, Myron; Kröll, Léonard; Ilsemann, Jan; Robinius, Martin; Wienert, Patrick; Aretz, Martin; Janssen, Henning; Kersting, Marlin; Müller, Clemens
2021 The Relevance of Fuel Cells for Mobility Applications. Discussion Paper
Baum, Christoph; Janssen, Henning; Brecher, Christian; Schuh, Günther; Aretz, Martin; Hamm, Carolin; Horstkotte, Rainer; Kersting, Marlin; Lee, Sangwook; Masonet, Angela; Müller, Clemens; Nadicksbernd, Maximilian; Panchenko, Ulla; Schenk, Leonard; Scholz, Paul; Voebel, Toni
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